[DFT] Baronial Polling - Email Commentary Deadline - August 15th

Dragonetti dragonetti at generich.com
Thu Aug 9 16:58:12 PDT 2007

 This message (and one more) are being forward on behalf of Duchess Conal,
Central Regional Seneschal:

-----Original Message-----
From: crystal.lemming at prudential.com [mailto:crystal.lemming at prudential.com]

Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 3:44 PM
To: Dragonetti
Subject: Fw: Baronial Polling - Email Commentary Deadline - August 15th

----- Forwarded by Crystal Lemming/PAMG/Prudential on 08/09/2007 03:43 PM
             ential                                                     To 
             Strategic                 elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org          
             Software                                                   cc 
             Phone Number:                                         Subject 
             214-721-6070              Baronial Polling  - Email           
                                       Commentary Deadline - August 15th   
             Tue 08/07/2007                                                
             03:55 PM                                                      


Email commentary to the Crown is highly encouraged.  The deadline is August

In Service

Duchess Conal
Central Region Seneschal









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