[DFT] Off topic - Invitation

Dragonetti dragonetti at generich.com
Thu Mar 22 14:36:22 PDT 2007

Greetings once more,

Want to see something funny?

My youngest boy sacrificed his birthday this year due to his parent's
obligations, so I have promised to take him roller skating this Saturday
(3/24) at Arlington Skatium (www.arlingtonskatium.com). We plan to arrive no
later than noon and skate at least until 5pm. Then we plan to head to "THE
HOMEGUARD BARBECUE" in Euless. This is not his make-up party, (that comes
later), so if you would like to join us skating, do not feel obliged to
bring presents. He just hopes folks come and skate. Oh yes, the funny
part......I *WILL* be skating as well. So if you want to skate, or just see
something funny, please join us. 


P.S.: Feel free to extend this invitation to Steppes/Lindenwood/Glaslyn, or
anyone else who might be interested.)

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