[DFT] DFT Yule Revel XVI - Potluck Signup list

Robert Lendrum ldiain at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 11 13:11:49 PST 2007

Greetings Lord and Ladies,

I would like to thank those of you who have already signed up with your dish selection. The list is impressive. Those who are wondering what to bring should review the existing items already on the list. Plus, those who have not yet decided if they want to come should consider that the menu to date it is quite  impressive, but we are  in need of your fine company. This Yule Revel looks to be as grand an affair as any of our past revels have been.  I hope that we can entice many new  people to join us in what I'm sure will be a very festive event. 

In service to the Crown and the people of Ansteorra, 

Potluck sign up link - http://sca.brothercoyote.com/

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