[DFT] Teachers needed @ Autumn Melees

Nicole Nickolai briarpatchgarb at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 08:09:44 PDT 2007

Sign up to teach a class at Bordermarch Autumn Melees, November 16-18th.
Just fill out the form below and reply email it back to me, Lady Kasinda, by
Nov. 8th.
Send it to briarpatchgarb at gmail.com

SCA Name:
Legal Name:



Proposed Class Title:

Brief description of class:

Length of time needed:

Materials or cost:

Preferred Teaching Time:   Friday              AM           PM

                                             Saturday         AM

Teachers needed for the basics like leather working, drumming, European
dance, chainmaile, basic garb making or anything you may have learned and
would like to share.
Remember this is an official Gulf War practice and it's not just for
fighters anymore!
Sharpen your teaching skills here!
Many slots open for anytime Friday and Sat. afternoon.

The event is held at Border Keep - Ansteorra's Stone Castle in Colmesneil,
Full details at www.bordermarch.org

Lady Kasinda

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