[DFT] Gulf Wars XXI

Bill Perkins bill.perkins at sbcglobal.net
Sun Feb 12 21:15:20 PST 2012

Greetings one and all,

For all those wishing to camp with Elfsea this year at Gulf Wars, we look 
forward to sharing your company.  Please remember to preregister, by ACCEPS, 
prior to February 24th.  That way, we can be sure to have enough space for 
all of us, including a goodly sized common area.

Send the
size of your tent
whether your tent is modern or period
the number of people in your party
and your expected time of arrival to Alejandro.

We will arrive on site early Sunday morning, at which time I will determine 
the arrangement.

As Their Majesties have said, this year Gulf Wars will present a target rich 
environment.  We know Elfsea will support Crown and Kingdom, either by 
helping people get ready or attending Gulf Wars.  Let us show Trimaris the 
mettle of our hearts, the strength of our arms, and the skills by which we 
are known as Ansteorra!

Vivat Ansteorra!

Alejandro y Amalia
Barón y Baronesa 

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