[DFT] DFT Populace Minutes 10-12-2014

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor via Dragonsfire-tor dragonsfire-tor at lists.ansteorra.org
Sat Oct 18 21:21:47 PDT 2014

*Canton of Dragonsfire Tor’s Populace Minutes for   Sunday, October 12,

*Members present: 11*


Seneschal, Lord Franklin opened the populace meeting at 5:30pm.

*Officer’s reports *

The Canton Officers and Yule Event Steward gave their reports. Joseph
reported that the scribal guild is doing well, attendance is good and they
have completed 36 charters. Rapier Practices have had good attendance, but
the Rapier Marshal would like to see more people coming out to practice.
The Exchequer told the populace that the Financial Committee would be
discussing the 2015 budget in their meeting to be held right after
Populace. Preparations for Yule are coming along and Janie is still taking
donations for the Yule fundraiser if anyone has some things to donate.
Also, a Yule Revel Facebook page is up and running. The Seneschal reminded
everyone about the Fighter Practice to be held October 19th at Jaycee Park.

*Old Business*

The Seneschal reminded everyone if they have recommendations for awards to
start sending them in now.

The Seneschal reminded everyone that Guardian 2015 bids are due by November

Shelves for the Canton Trailer – Plans have been designed and Frank,
Scotty, and Elmer need to get together to finalize the plans and calculate
the amount of materials needed. Once these are done a work party day will
be scheduled.

Canton Facebook – Joseph told the group that he could set up reminders for
the group’s activities to post to the Facebook page. It was briefly
discussed and the group agreed to have Joseph set up the Facebook reminders.

*New Business*

Lord Franklin said he would like for the populace to have a time at one of
our activities for our Bards to practice their Bardic skills preferable at
the end of Populace or at DFT’s Gathering and Pot-luck nights. The populace
discussed the idea and decided to have a Bardic time at DFT’s Gathering and

Lord Franklin asked about those going to BAM this year and said any who are
interested could add their own painted sheet to the sheet wall with Elfsea.
He also volunteered for Lady Diana, Lady Aaliz, and himself to paint the
Populace’s sheet. It will be a painting of the Canton’s device.

The Seneschal asked the populace if there was any interest in changing the
weekend of our monthly Populace meetings so that Populace would not fall on
the same weekend as Kingdom events. After the group discussed the issue,
they voted to leave populace meetings on the second Sunday of each month.
The vote was unanimous for leaving populace as it is.

Lord Guyon, the new Central Regional Rapier Marshal, told the populace that
he is planning on having some Regional War Practices for Rapier in the
Central Region.

*Closing of Meeting*

Lord Franklin closed this month’s populace meeting.

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