[DFT] Elfsea Artisan Competition
K A via Dragonsfire-tor
dragonsfire-tor at lists.ansteorra.org
Sat May 30 17:42:11 PDT 2015
ElfseaArtisan & Baronial College and Investiture is just a month away. The Barony is calling on the Artisans ofAnsteorra to help us celebrate this day by entering in the Elfsea ArtisanCompetition.
Butwait; did we hear you say you need more information about this esteemedcompetition? What day do you need to mark on your calendar? Where will you tell your fiends you will bethat day? We have that information for you. Elfsea Artisan& Baronial College and Investiture will be held June 27th atTexas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth Texas. Of course, we need to let youknow what time you can set up that winning entry. Artisans may set up theirdisplays from 8:00 am till 10:00 am. As we get closer to the event this timemay be subject to change. Oh yes, we must not forget to tell you the format forthe Artisan Competition. The current Artisan of theBarony of Elfsea has sent her words to share with you on this very subject.
CountessDeanna della Penna would like to share with the Artisans of Ansteorra theformat for this year’s Elfsea Artisan Competition.
Format: Haveyou ventured out of your comfort zone to create something? Have you developed abrand-new skill? Has a certain piece challenged you as an artist and forced youto grow? Bringone piece, completed within the last year, and which incorporates the color"blue" for Elfsea, if possible. Documentation is encouraged. In it,please additionally convey how this particular item has encouraged yourpersonal growth as an artist.
Weencourage participants to pre-register for the Artisan Competition. Topre-register, please send your SCA name, mundane name, and what you areentering to Lady Aaliz du Lac at akays78 at yahoo.com.
Formore information about the event and schedule please visit our website: elfsea.ansteorra.org/college
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