[DFT] War with Trimaris waits for no one!

Bill Perkins via Dragonsfire-tor dragonsfire-tor at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Jan 22 11:01:30 PST 2017

Greetings Elfsea and Dragonsfire Tor, from Sir Alejandro

Trimaris prepares her armies, and will march soon!  Since an army does 
not march without provision, Lord Guyon has offered a meal plan to 
ensure Elfsea and Steppes are well provisioned.

To ensure we have a safe encampment, I need your help to ensure the 
orderly arrangement.  Elfsea's encampment is greatly enhanced by more 
people taking the time to register.

Once you have confirmed your travel arrangements to Gulf Wars, please 
send me the following information, to bill dot perkins at sbcglobal dot net.

  * Size of tent, with and without ropes
  * Type of tent (period or modern)
  * Names of people staying together (society and modern)
  * Estimated day and time of arrival (morning, afternoon, evening,
    night, crazy late)

This year's Gulf Wars promises to be fun and exciting!


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