[DFT] Populace Meeting Sunday

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor seneschal at dragonsfire-tor.ansteorra.org
Wed Apr 10 07:08:43 PDT 2019

Good Morning GFT,

This Sunday is our April Populace Meeting and we have a lot to talk about.

1.     DFT Tee Shirts – will be at the meeting so please bring your payment
and pick up you DFT Pride.  Thank you Lady Shannon for taking on this
project and making it happen.

2.    DFT Archery – Lord Grimolfr Has been very busy trying to set up a
practice location and working on becoming an Archery Marshal.  Tomorrow
night Lord Grimolfr will be attending the Hamilton City Counsel meet as
they vote to let us use a part of their city park for our Archery

3.    We need to explore how to advertise to the community about all we do
here at DFT.  So please bring some ideas.

4.    Guardian of the Tor Planning – What can we all do to help Lady
Shannon and Baroness Janie with this event.  This is our event so let’s
make it happen.

5.    Financial Committee Meeting after Populace – I think our Archery
Marshal will have some requests.

Populace Meeting Sunday, April 14, 2019, at FMC, at 5:30pm – See you there.

In your Service,

H.L. Franklin Whitenhale of Cheshire

Seneschal of the Canton of Dragonsfire Tor

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