Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor seneschal at dragonsfire-tor.ansteorra.org
Tue Jan 1 11:27:14 PST 2019

Happy New Years DFT!

Before we look to the new year, I would like to say a few things about 2018.

Sad to say some of our loved ones have passed on but they still live in our

We also had some good things this year, Mark lost a infected foot, Diana
received a new knee, Ann lost a tumor and we all pray is on the road to a
full recovery.

DFT gained 5 new active members, 4 have become officers.  We have started
working on offering archery and chivoric fighting.  We had more DFT members
attending Kingdom and Baronial events. We have had Royal Presents at both
of our events.  We also have a new Lord and Lady of the Tor who has been
very eager to help us.

2018 was a good year for DFT

Now, as we look to 2019, we have challenges ahead but in the end we will be
a larger and stronger Canton for it.  I look forward to our archery and
chivoric up and running and drawing in new members.  We must also look at
reorganizing our rapier group.  We may be able to start some A&S projects.  And
I have a couple of ideas I will be presenting to the Canton in the coming

Yes, 2019 will be a Great Year for a Great Canton.

But above all lets ALL HAVE FUN in 2019!

In your Service,

H.L. Franklin Whitenhale of Cheshire

Seneschal of the Great Canton of Dragonsfire Tor

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