[DFT] October Officer's Reports

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor seneschal at dragonsfire-tor.ansteorra.org
Wed Nov 6 07:18:19 PST 2019

Greetings DFT,

I would like to say as Seneschal it was great to receive Officer’s Reports
this month from;

Archery Marshal    Lord Grimolfr

Exchequer             Master Caelin

Hospitaler              Lady Shannon

Knights Marshal    Lord Killan

Rapier Marshal      Duke Gabriel


We received a Tales of the Tor from our Chronicler, H.L. Aaliz


Our web site was up-dated by our Web Minister, Lady Meredith with the help
of Lady Elena

Thank you all for helping to make DFT a Fantastic Canton.

In your Service,

H.L. Franklin Whitenhale of Cheshire

Seneschal of the Great Canton of Dragonsfire Tor

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