[DFT] Report for June

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor seneschal at dragonsfire-tor.ansteorra.org
Wed Jul 1 08:14:32 PDT 2020


COVID 19 – That was the month of June.  Not much else to report

BUT - We have been conducting all of our Populace and Business meetings on
ZOOM that were hosted by Baroness Kat.  We are moving forward with plans of
Yule and getting ready for when we can once again hold practices.  We have
already started looking at having Demos in some of the nearby towns like

In May we were able to pass a new Financial Policy.  Most of the changes
were in the wording.   We did make two major changes.  We added the Baron
and Baroness of Elfsea to our Financial Committee.  They will have only one
vote between them.  We will now comp all Ansteorra’s Landed Nobility to all
of our events.

I am very pleased to announce that Christopher Wernert is now Dragonsfire
Tor’s Knight’s Marshal.  With Chris’s help Dragonsfire Tor will be better
able to defend Elfsea’s western border and boost the might of Ansteorra.

I am very pleased to announce that we have had two people to apply to be
the next Seneschal of our great Canton.  Both are well qualified and should
continue to work with Elfsea and the Kingdom to make DFT a great place to

Yes, COVID 19 has put a damper on things but we have been moving forward
and working around it the best we can

Be safe and healthy.

In your Service,

H.L. Franklin Whitenhale of Cheshire

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor

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