[DFT] Kingdom Seneschal and the CDC Guidelines

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor seneschal at dragonsfire-tor.ansteorra.org
Tue Mar 17 06:33:07 PDT 2020

Greetings DFT,

So far the new Guidelines set forth by both our Kingdom Seneschal and the
CDC do not affect our Canton of Dragonsfire Tor.  Our April’s Populace
meeting is on April 12th and Dragonsfire Tor’s Guardian of the Tor being
held May 15th -17th at Worth Ranch.

Our Archery and Thrown Weapons Marshals have wisely already canceled all
practices for the month of March.

BUT, this may change and if it does we will notify all as soon as possible.

 We are all in the same boat so please keep informed and pass on any
pertinent information.

Above all, stay safe and healthy,

H.L. Franklin Whitenhale of Cheshire

Seneschal of Dragonsfire Tor

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