ES - Bop til ya drop

Axel , Jeanmaire & Diane Remes remes at
Fri Feb 13 19:29:06 PST 1998

There is a color photo on the front page of Cedar Hill Today. It's a photo of Geoffry and Hengest fighting single sword. and a quick blurb caption saying we're the SCA. It did not even include contact instructions for me even though I gave them to the photographer.
The caption is not bad, it just doesn't really say anything, and considering the number of photos the guy took I would have thought he could have gotten a better one....than the one he put in the paper. I'm less than impressed...oh well the photographer said he wanted to
do a more in depth article on Geoffrey and my family...I hope he contacts me....cause
I'd like to give out a little more info on the SCA than he gave in the photo caption. I suppose I should be glad at least the 10-15 photos he took of Corbin with the Bandaged 
finger on his head (looking like an ice pack) did'nt show up in the paper.
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