ES - Death in Family

Axel , Jeanmaire & Diane Remes remes at
Tue Jul 28 21:31:03 PDT 1998

Axel and Jeanmaire will not be attending Kingdom Warlord, both Axel's parents
died in an automobile accident Tuesday evening in Michigan's Upper Penninsula. Axel will be flying to Upper Michigan Wednesday morning, and Jeanmaire and Diane will be flying to North Carolina later in the week. Diane's
birthday party has been cancelled. Axel's parents will be buried in North Carolina so Axel will be flying from Upper Michigan to North Carolina to handle
estate matters, so it may be a week and a half or so before he's back in town.

Axel's parents saw Axel and Diane just Monday morning, and most of their relatives saw them at the Remes family reunion last Saturday. So at least
everyone got a chance to see everyone just this week.

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