ES - Re: [IR] Gulf Wars (long)

VICKI MARSH zarazina at
Fri Mar 20 09:13:46 PST 1998

Thank you, so much Vivaine, for your account of the battles.

Those of us who were on the sidelines need this.  We need to know what everyone did.  If anyone else saw great acts of honor and chivalry along with the quiet acts of  service, please write it here and let us all know.  

This is one of the nice things about e-mail.  You don't have to stand up in front of a crowd and to give word fame.

I would like to give some word fame to those that made the event better for Llywelyn and I.

To Fearghus and his mighty steed, now called "The Sea Stallion", for ferrying ice chests, water, chairs, and anything else he was called upon to do.  He also competed in the Archery Tournament.

To Bice' and Dana, who supported the fighters and dancers and went into town for important stuff like food and water.  I think Bice'  was the first casualty at the war in the treacherous lanes of the K-Mart.  She also helped Llywelyn at the Marshallete Secretary table.

To Gwendolyn who cleaned up our encampment everyday, washing dishes and making life so much nicer for all.

To Crandall and Ramon, who hauled water, fetched chairs, helped break down and pack the Baronial Pavillion and stuff.  They also marshalled and helped with the MS table.  

To Simone and Aelfrina (sp?), her mother, who helped with the cooking, hauling, and cleaning. They also did waterbearing.

To Bronwyn and Angus, who always had that first cup of coffee (WOW!!!!) ready in the morning.  These guys are really impressive to camp with.  The word "competence" comes to mind.  Angus also marshalled and Bronwyn took pictures.

To Arabella, who brought everything *including* the kitchen sink and a cheese grater.  She was an excellent coordinator for the Elfsea North encampment, then went on to help Llywelyn at the MS table.   She also kept me sane.

To Galen and Allisandra, who were everywhere, fighting, dancing, doing bardcraft,  and cooking for the crew.  Galen competed in the Bardic for Elfsea and did us proud.

To Stella, who did the finishing  touches to the tablecloth for Atlantia, valiantly led our troops along with Llywelyn, Airiklee, and Galen, fought bravely in the Champions Battle (I heard she chased her opponent around the field), and worked like a Trojan tearing down and packing on Sunday.  Then she came home and helped Llywelyn and I *unpack*.

To Zahara and Doungerous who taught classes both days at the war, then danced all night.  

To all the artisans who contributed to our gifts to Atlantia, especially Eowyn, who put in over 120 hrs of work on the Atlantian arms done in lace for the tablecloth: Gwenllian and Tarkus for the beautiful box,Dana for the inkle-woven belt, Phillp for the tatted-lace, and others who contributed mightily.

To the Equestrian  and Archery folks who helped make the war fun for our son, Anthony.

To all those musicians and drummers who played for the Middle Eastern and Court  dancing.  

To Inman, a great war leader, and source of solace upon the news of Sir Ricardo's death.  

To the Portos, our neighbors across the road, who shared their light and fire with us.

To our majestic King and Queen, for honoring our fighters, our people,  *and* our noble opponents.

On the trip home, Llywelyn and I figured out that we had someone from Elfsea participate in *every*  war point.  We are so very proud to be Baron and Baroness of Elfsea, and even prouder to be in the Central Region in the Kingdom of Ansteorra.

Thank you, all,

Zara Zina Theanos, Baroness

"Keep your kids off Artificial Colors"
"Go Byzantine"
"Life is Good in Elfsea"

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