ES - FW: Barony- Auction for for the benefit of Sir Ricardo's Widow
zarazina at
Thu Mar 26 15:34:32 PST 1998
I thought I should forward this to our list.
Zara Zina
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Brian [SMTP:bmartin at]
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 1998 10:35 AM
To: 'southern at'; 'bryn-gwlad at'; 'barony at'
Subject: Barony- Auction for for the benefit of Sir Ricardo's Widow
Greetings Ansteorra,
As many of you may know, Sir Riccardo's death was preceded by a long and costly hospital stay. This has left Riccardo's lady wife, Mistress Aisilyn of Lion's Lair in some financial trouble. There is nothing that any of us can do to ease the pain of Aisilyn's loss, but there is something that we can do to help her out during a very difficult time. At Crown Tournament this weekend the Honorable Lady Gala will be holding a silent auction and sale of items to benefit Mistress Aisilyn. Some of the items that will be auctioned include:
*2.5" by 3.5" piece of amber (large enough to have a laurel or pelican carved into it)
*several middle eastern swords of exceptionally fine value
*spurs hand crafted by Master Eldric
*Ali-titmans baronial coronet, crafted by Master Cynric
*2-volume set of books on effigies
*laurel medallion, crafted by Mistress Athena
*matching pair of amythest broaches
*ladies embroidered chiton embelleshed with amber, amthest, garnets,
and large glass beads
* Sir Ricardo's helm
*Sir Ricardo's knighting clothes - eclesiastical fabric, hand
embroidered by Mistress Aisilyn
*and many other items donated by friends
****also being auctioned is the infamous, the original, the one, the only "Official Bjornsborg Nipple Inspector Badge"******* In addition, there will be items of clothing (mostly men's middle eastern) and other trinkets for sale.
Please come and bid on these fabulous items. Not only will you have the opportunity to purchase some wonderful items that once belonged to one of this kingdom's greatest heroes, but you will also be helping out a noble lady in a time of trouble and grief.
Thank you one and all,
Mistress Jehanne d'Avignon, Baroness of Bryn Gwlad
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