ES - a new musical instrument

Vicki Marsh zarazina at
Tue May 5 13:47:41 PDT 1998


Between that and the Shawm, we are starting to have a good collection.

Now if we can just find time to practice together.

Zara Zina

-----Original Message-----
From:	Phyllis Spurr [SMTP:Phyllis.Spurr at]
Sent:	Monday, May 04, 1998 4:51 PM
To:	elfsea at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject:	ES - a new musical instrument

Guess what!

I'm picking up my new bass recorder tomorrow (Tuesday)!  I'm so 
excited, I'm doing my happy dance right here at work!

I couldn't afford a wooden one, but a plastic one is probably better 
for carrying around to outdoor events anyway.

It's an Aulos, with bocal, built-in thumbrest, neckstrap, soft 
carrying case, cleaning rod, and corkgrease.

musically yours,

Eowyn ferch Rhys
Phyllis Spurr
Home phone: 817-460-1539
work phone: 817-264-4384
email:  Phyllis.Spurr at
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