ES - Courtesy & Other Things

Vicki Marsh zarazina at
Thu May 28 11:24:42 PDT 1998

Greetings, Elfsea,

Susan Carol Tribble wrote:
> It seems that my thought of having a class such as this at Defender is/was
> a bad idea.  It was just a thought. I apologize if I was out of line on
> the suggestion.  I wasn't trying to tell anyone what activities should be
> at what event.

Thank you, Sir Galen.

You are entirely correct.  Lavina, you have nothing to apologize for.  I was only working to keep too much extra stuff out of the schedule for Defender. 

However, if you are part of a Culture Camp,  you could include this into your camps plans and schedules.

Thank you,

Zara Zina
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