ES - Bordermarch....

Alan Rich alanrich at
Mon Nov 23 14:53:08 PST 1998

>Greetings Elfsea,
>I was hoping someone would post highlights from the Bordermarch
>melees last weekend.  Since no one has yet, then I'll go ahead and ask
>people to send me their input.  I hope everyone had a great time and a
>safe trip, I'm sorry I missed the event.
>Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving,

You were thought of and missed this weekend. After a slight rain delay, the
weather shaped up quite nicely for fighting. In attendance from Elfsea,
were, (in no particular order), Baron Llywellyn, Sir Galen, Ldy Allesandre,
Ldy Alvin, Ld. Lew, Ld. Daniel, Ld. 'Bear' Connor, Cent. Airaklee, Morgan,
Moerick, Ld. Crandall, Ld. Ferghus and myself (Armand). If I missed anyone,
my apologies in advance. Due to the early rain, the Tavern was a popular
place with eggs, pancakes, etc. The melees began around 11:30 and continued
until sundown (6ish). The armies were divided into a Bordermarch contingent
and the Marauding Infidel Pigs, (affectionately termed the MIPS). The Elfsea
representatives fought as a unit for the Marauders. The scenarios began with
a Town defense/attack, an open field battle and finally a castle siege.
Bordermarch forces were on the defense for the first 3 scenarios. Then we
repeated them with the Marauders on defense. After these 6 scenarios there
was a break for lunch and then we played on the castle the remainder of the
day with castle sieges and Tower battles.
Although I have a Bordermarch page online now in Armands Album
(, there are not many photos. My lady was unable to
attend and I was too caught up with fighting to remember to take many

In an innocent conversation, Sir Galen asked me if I had made a kill during
the day. I had and told him the details. A spearman was unlucky enough to
get his weapon pinned to the ground by my shield and found himself off
balance just long enough for my sword to find it's way squarely to his helm.
Well, Sir Galen says "Well done." and that's that. However, at court that
night I learn of a tradition of Bordermarch's called the 'Order of the Shaky
Knees' and found myself called into court for the first time, to be honored
with a scroll for my first battlefield kill. I felt very honored and most
unprepared, and will be very careful around Sir Galen in the future. :-)

Actually, there was another moment on the field I was even more proud of. At
one point I found myself defending the Sally Port of the castle and I
occupied 2 belted knights for the better part of 3 minutes, virtually alone.
Although I did eventually die, the fact that Airaklee confirmed this scene
gave me great satisfaction. Not that I'm that good, I just had a tactical
advantage and they did not know how inexperienced I truly was, least
until they killed me. :-)

During one of the final battles, Sir Galen asked me if I could make it over
the castle wall. I said, "Sure" which I later regretted deeply. My regret
stems from the fact that Sir Galen laid himself (on his back) on the ground
with shield raised to provide me a step. As I stepped up I realized that my
shield would have to go over first to offer protection long enough to get
over. However, I was using Airaklee's shield which is a bit large for me and
I found it took a bit more to get over than I had anticipated. While I was
able to fend off a few attacks, I couldn't get over before being killed.
This escapade took at least 1 or 2 minutes as I would jump up, and slip back
down, jump and slip back down. All the while Sir Galen is quietly enduring
each failed attempt with my weight coming back to bear on him. Vivat Sir

On a more somber note, apparently there has been some infighting of some
sort within the Bordermarch Barony. During court, the King removed the Baron
& Baroness and granted them titles of Court Baron & Baroness and installed a
Vicar and Vicaress to reign until a new Baron & Baroness could be agreed
upon. The entire populace of Bordermarch was called into court, in front of
the King, who proceeded to deliver a reprimand of sorts and charged them to
put aside personal differences for the betterment of the kingdom. It seemed
somewhat emotional and distasteful to His Majesty and was unlike anything I
had seen in court before. I'm sure there are others who know more details
and can relate it with the proper words far better than I. Aside from that,
the event was great fun, for me at least. One highlight was hearing of the
Inflatable Squire' at the campfire that night. If you do not know that tale,
I'm sure Lady Allesandre will be happy to re-tell it for you. :-)

I hope you're feeling better and look forward to seeing you at the next
event. I'm sure I'll be there because I'm told I have 'Fighter Brain'. :-)

Armand Dragonetti

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