ES - Post Springfaire relaxation

Armand Dragonetti dragonetti at
Wed Apr 14 07:23:47 PDT 1999

Greetings Lady Tyrca,

It was wonderful to meet you and Sir Thorgier at Springfaire. I'm so glad you could attend and I hope to see more of you both at upcoming events. The time you took to speak with my ladywife Ameline and myself means alot to us. We have been amazed at how friendly EVERYONE has been to us. Life is Good in Elfsea. I am also looking forward to your photos from the weekend. Feel free to bring them to my fighter practice on any Wednesday evening (directions are online at or you can mail them to me at: 

Armand Dragonetti
c/o Gene Rich & Company
2525 Ludelle St.
Ft. Worth, TX  76105

Thank you once again and I understand if it might take some time to deal with the photos.

Lord Armand Dragonetti
Elfsea Historian 
Squire to Sir Galen
    Just remember the basics, as taught us by our Baroness.
    Yes, Crandall
    And I have the pictures to prove it.  As soon as I get that roll done
    and developed, I have already promised them to Armand!

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