ES - Photos from Baronial College

Armand Dragonetti dragonetti at
Mon Jan 25 15:52:58 PST 1999

I hope this finds you doing well,

A precious few photos of the Baronial College event are now online. The page is

I'd appreciate any help with names of the artisans in their group shot. I know some of them, in fact I'm married to one of them, but I didn't want to identify them until I have all their names.

In service to Ansteorra,
Armand, the sensitive :-)

(or is it, Armand, the clueless)

P.S. If anyone wants to post this to the Steppes list, please do so. (Or any other list for that matter, but I believe the new Elfsea Artisan plays in Steppes and there may be others in this photo group.) Thanks!
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