ES - Donations for Fire Victums

Lady Simone margiejr at
Mon Jul 12 10:27:52 PDT 1999

Greetings M' Lords and Ladies,

I will once again be traveling to Northkeep to bring Donations to fire victums. and can take your donations with me. I will be Picking Up donations for the to following NorthKeep families who Lost there homes; at Elfseas's fighter Pactice Held at Randol Mill Park in Arlington Texas, on Sunday July 18th, Sunday July 25th and Wedensday July 28th. and will be taking them to Tulsa the weekend of the 30-1st.

Family #1 is Roger and Renee Walker and there Son Anthony of NorthKeep.

Needed Donations of Cloathing, Household goods, Toletries, Towles Linnens, Toys for 10 year old boy, SCA gear and Garb, Bardic Material and Pet Supplies

Family #2 Pam of Northkeep and her 3 Daughters

Needed Donations of Cloathing, Household Goods, Toletries, towles and Linnes, SCA gear and Garb

Thankyou all

Lady Simone Ui'Dunlainghe
Barony of Elfsea
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