ES - Hear some of Sir Drake's Knighting Ceremony

Armand Dragonetti dragonetti at
Wed Mar 17 07:12:45 PST 1999

I am so pleased that you enjoyed this and that it is working ok. I have not cross-posted this to any other lists but welcome others to please do so. The one cross-post I did make referred to the Coronation photos and the hits to that page occurred at 3 to 5 times the rate of the other pages. If that activity is seen with streaming audio, there may indeed be some choppy or delayed responses, but I am very interested to see the limits of the system here and welcome the traffic and feedback. Thank you again, and if photos of your Laureling ceremony or vigil turn up, please let me know.

In your service,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Vicki Marsh <zarazina at>
    To: 'elfsea at Ansteorra.ORG' <elfsea at Ansteorra.ORG>
    Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 9:34 PM
    Subject: RE: ES - Hear some of Sir Drake's Knighting Ceremony
    Oh, WOW!!!!!
    Llywelyn and I loved listening to this.  Especially after missing the
    ceremony then having Gulf War washed out.
    Did you cross-post this to the Ansteorra list?  I'm sure that others
    would like to hear it as well.
    For times when you cannot take pictures, or videos, this is an excellent
    substitute.  I sure wish I had this from my own Laureling.  As far as I
    know, there aren't even any pictures of it.  
    Anyway, this recording made us feel like standing up and shouting
    Xene, Baroness
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Paul Mitchell [SMTP:pmitchel at]
    Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 9:48 PM
    To: elfsea at Ansteorra.ORG
    Subject: Re: ES - Hear some of Sir Drake's
    Knighting Ceremony
    Awesomely cool, but it was Don Miguel who sang, not
    Don Miguel Sebastian de Oporto, not to be confused with
    Sebastian, the Kingdom Archery Marshal.
    - Galen
    Armand Dragonetti wrote:
    > Greetings Good Gentles of Elfsea!
    > Photos from Lyonnesse are not yet online as my lady
    and I prepare for
    > war. However, I do have a page for Lyonnesse up which
    has links to
    > HEAR some of the knighting ceremony of Sir Alaric
    Drake. The audio is
    > in RealAudio format. If you do not have Realplayer
    software, there is
    > a link on the page where you can go to get it for
    free. The Lyonnesse
    > page is at:
    > This is my first attempt at delivering RealAudio to a
    larger audience,
    > so please give me feedback as to the quality. My
    bandwidth is limited
    > to 128K so you may experience some interruptions if
    several people use
    > it all at once. I was hoping for RealVIDEO, but there
    was not enough
    > light in court to get any descent video. However, we
    should have some
    > good video from Gulf War during the daytime.
    > To those traveling to Gulf War, arrive safely and I'll
    see you there.
    > To those not traveling, keep the barony and kingdom
    safe and I'll try
    > to bring back some moments of the war! To all, have a
    wonderful week
    > and as a side note: "Always remember where you left
    your lady" (If you
    > don't know what that refers to, ask someone who went
    to Lyonnesse)
    > In service, (first to Ameline, then...if I'm Ansteorra
    > & Elfsea)
    > Armand Dragonetti

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