ES - A&S questions

Vicki Marsh xaraxene at
Mon Nov 22 17:20:23 PST 1999

Greetings from Xene,

If you want to enter the item in an A & S competition, I would suggest that you attend such a competition and see how others do their documentation.  It is acceptable to substitute other materials for the period materials, as long as you explain your substitution.  This shows that you understand how the item was actually constructed.  This is often done especially with substitutions like DMC embroidery floss in place of silk on embroidery project.  If you use modern tools, you can explain what you used, as well as the tools that would have been used in period.

If you would like more information about a renaissance guitar, please let me know.  I wrote a research paper on them and have some excellent resources for more in-depth study.

Mistress Xene, Baroness of Elfsea

-----Original Message-----
From:	Richard Culver [SMTP:rbculver at]
Sent:	Saturday, November 20, 1999 6:22 PM
To:	elfsea at Ansteorra.ORG
Cc:	glaslyn at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject:	ES - A&S questions


     ( I have mentioned this to Glaslyn's populace, but I need all the help 
I can get :)  )

    I am in search of people who can give me advice on A&S projects.  I very 
much would like, in this second try at the SCA, to be more involved with all 
points, not just fighting.
     I have at least one project in mind.  It is going to involve some 
woodworking.  One question for example would be if old instruments used 
catgut for strings and wood for the pegs, would working reproductions have 
to have the same.  I am planning on such a thing, but want them actually 
playable and to do so may require things like bronze guitar strings, metal 
tuning pegs (could use oak pegs in theory but I think they would eventually 
give using metal strings) and reinforcement of the bridge which would most 
likely be not visible from the outside.  I could make non-working examples, 
but I would think people may want to hear these.
     If there is anyone who could spare some face-to-face teaching and maybe 
even show me their examples (purely because I am audio-visual in learning 
style) or pictures of their displays in detail, I would greatly appreciate 

Cyniric Cyniwarding

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