ES - Imperial Roman Chariot and Solid Rocket Booster Specification

Vicki Marsh xaraxene at
Tue Nov 2 07:15:20 PST 1999

forvalaka at wrote:

So, the major design feature of what is arguably the world's most
advanced transportation system was determined by the width of a
Horse's [rear]!
Think about it!

Greetings from Baroness Xene.

For some reason, I am not putting a name or face to the e-mail address above, but I thank you for your information.  It is amazing to discover through research the reasons for so many things in our life.  It is like that TV show, "Connections", that I used to watch - I think on PBS.  One thing leads to another, then another.

Of course, the more I study the 1100 years of the Byzantine Empire, the more I understand the source of so much in the world today - from religion, to political strife that still exists in the same geographical regions.

Thank you,

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