ES - Fw: Coronation

Vicki Marsh xaraxene at
Tue Oct 26 09:23:40 PDT 1999

Greetings from Baroness Xene,

Some years ago, at Mikael and Mikeala's coronation at Elfsea,  I remember a small fiasco with trying to separate out the feasting vs. the non-feasting.  

My suggestion is - don't do it.  

Too many households and groups want to sit together, and they are not all eating the feast due to dietary restrictions.  Let them sit the way they want to, first come, first served. 
Feast tokens to be placed beside their plates, and then the rest is the honor system.  Keep It Simple......

Make an announcement in the event flyer and at the event as to how the feast will be served - with a representative from each table coming and getting the food and serving it.  They will be responsible for counting the feast tokens and getting the correct amount of food.  They will self-regulate.  Ask the Crown to remind people to pay for their feast, if they haven't done so already and have someone set up to take the stragglers.

Remember, we are a society that is based on Honor, Courtesy, and Chivalry

There will always be those who pay and don't eat, and those who eat and don't pay.  It all will work out in the end.

Let's make Life Good in Ansteorra as well as in Elfsea.

Xene, Baroness

-----Original Message-----
From:	Richard Threlkeld [SMTP:rjt2 at]
Sent:	Monday, October 25, 1999 2:33 PM
To:	elfsea at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject:	RE: ES - Fw: Coronation

That, of course, brings up the question of feast seating
versus non-feast seating. How do you tell, efficiently,
whether to serve someone if we allow them to intermingle?
Or do we provide seats in a group for non-feasters? But
then we have the question of who gets the seats nearer
the front?

I lean toward non-feast seats at the back of the group.

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