ES - from Don Alaric

Glen Wilkerson gdwilkerson at
Sun Dec 10 09:26:58 PST 2000

My apologies for missing the Tor Yule Revel, but at the last minute I received an invitation to lunch for Baron Lyelf the Lame's birthday.  A good time was had by all and afterwards I accompanied Lyelf home, and it is from Lyelf and his father I bring great booty...

Henry V, Act I, Scene II,

King Henry:  "What treasure, Uncle?"
Exeter:  "Tennis balls, my Liege..."

43 of them to be exact, gathered up by Lyelf's father from their front yard, right across the street from the tennis courts...  I'll bring them out to practice today and Caelin, or whoever is in charge of the ballista bolt building party, can take charge of them.

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