ES - Elfsea Website down

Padraig Ruad padraig_ruad at
Fri Dec 15 12:54:37 PST 2000

>Were you reading my mind?  How DID you know
>that I was just this minute trying to access the Elfsea
>Website?  I even logged out of Netscape and then
>brought it back up (it's been a little flakey anyway).
>OOhhh, this is spooky!
>Or, are you really just THAT good!?
>/Ly Elizabeth Hawkwood

That's why he's our Baron and gets paid the big bucks.  No, wait, that's not right.  That's why he gets all the respect!  No, that's not it either.  There must be some reason...  Oh, yeah!  He was willing to sit in the hotseat!

Nunc Est Bibendum
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.

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