ES - Lake Worth Castle

Adam Harrison hookshot at
Wed Feb 23 17:13:37 PST 2000

Greetings Elfsea,

In the fall I was acquainted with a group of people who were interested in buying the castle on Lake Worth.  Allesandre took great interest in this, seeing that it would create a perfect site for events in Elfsea.  Well, two months after the initial idea was discussed, and after alot of false claims, I had a falling out with these people.  I was still under the assumption that they were running into legal problems with the castle, and were still attempting to buy it, but I needed to get out of the situation I was in then, so I left without word if they were really pursuing the castle.  This was about a month ago.

Well, as things sometimes go, there were quite a few more false claims being made than I thought.  I won't go into details, but I'll just say that they were leading myself and those others interested astray.  In the Fort Worth Star-Telegram today, on the first page of "Fort Worth Metro" there is an article on this castle.  The article is practically a "for sale" ad, and makes no mention of anyone attempting to buy the property.  In fact it goes on to say that the property will be up for auction within the next few months.  The current asking price is $450,000.

The article can be found online at

In service,
Bjorn Grimmson
Captain, Arthurian Company
Elfsea Baronial Guardsman
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