ES - Wah!!

Vicki Marsh xaraxene at
Mon Jan 10 08:04:17 PST 2000

Greetings, Elfsea,

Well, I have managed to hurt myself again....I slipped yesterday and fell
down the last two stairs onto our lovely ceramic tile floor - directly onto
my left kneecap, wrenching half a dozen joints in the process.  I'll never
be called graceful, that's for sure.  Anyway, I have an appointment with a
doctor tomorrow morning, and a very swollen and bruised left knee. It is
difficult for me to hobble up the stairs to the computer, so I won't be
checking my e-mail very much in the coming week.


I'll let you all know the results.  Hopefully, I've just bruised it badly.
I will be laying around with ice and compression on it, at least for the
next few days.  Keep me in your prayers and think good thoughts.  Also,
please help out Stella and Arabella as much as possible this next week at
Coronation.  They are doing a wonderful job for the Kingdom, arranging
Coronation.  I truly enjoyed seeing so many of you at Steppes 12th night,
and am looking forward to seeing all of your happy, shining faces this next

May your week go better than mine,

Your loving Baroness,

Xene, OL  Ow, ow,,.....Wahhhh...
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