ES - Photos from Highland Games & Midsummer's Ball

Armand Dragonetti dragonetti at
Mon Jun 26 14:01:42 PDT 2000


After nearly a month, there are finally some new photos online.

Scottish Festival & Highland Games Demo:
Lindenwood's Midsummer Ball:

Also, a new search form has been added to assist in finding specific photos. It's not the best in the world, but you get what you pay for. :-)  For best results, search on only the first few characters and add an * (asterisk ) wildcard to the end. For example, search for Alles*, instead of Allessandra. The more specific you get, the less likely you'll find what you intend, because I may not have spelled a name the same way you search for it. (Of course, pages that have no descriptions will not show up in the search results. I still have 5 pages of Gulf War and 5 pages of Steppes Warlord that have no descriptions. (I'll try to add them soon.)

Also, be advised that the Elfsea site, and Armand's Photo site may become unavailable anywhere from 2 to 48 hours beginning sometime this Thursday (6/29) as new DSL lines and IP addresses are scheduled for installation. But once it's back online, it should provide faster access for those of you with high speed connections.

In your service,
Ld. Armand Dragonetti
Elfsea Historian/Virtual Scribe
Squire to Sir Galen of Bristol, Baron of Elfsea
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