ES - What a glorious war!

Galen of Bristol pmitchel at
Mon Mar 20 09:09:18 PST 2000

Galen here...

First, the rain just wasn't that bad.  All you guys who bailed on Sat. nite, 
I told you so:  premature evacuation.  It rained some on Wed., and less
on Thurs.  Then, Sat., we had a small amount of rain between the castle
battles.  Sat. nite, amid reports of a major front coming through (due, they
said, to hit at midnight and storm ferociously through the night and all
day Sun.) a batch of our folks packed up and left in the rain around midnight.
But that storm never came.  We had pretty much the same showers through
most of Sat. night, but they stopped, and we who waited it out packed and
left -- in neither dark nor rain.

Ansteorra took most of the war points, and was able to successfully defend
the castle for the first time in many years.  Naturally, our rapier fighters
dominated, but we also won the ravine battle, the champions, and the 
field battle.  I'm pretty sure we took the volunteer point, but I've heard
conflicting reports of whether we split the A&S points or took both.
Sounds like a tie to me.

Our King and Queen were the pride of Ansteorra, comporting themselves with
such nobility that even the royalty of other kingdoms were inspired.  Between
fort battles, the Queen of the Midrealm came by and delivered a speech to
the Arthurian Company about how inspiring our King Alaric is to her and her
King, and how they've told their people back home about the glory of Ansteorra's

The Arthurian Company did very well.  As has already been mentioned, we 
achieved all our goals, which included being a visible, committed and disciplined
fighting unit, recognized and respected by our commanders, allies, and opponents 
alike; too, it was one of our goals from day one to earn the King's Battle Ribbon, 
and we did that, too.  The Arthurian Company now faces new challenges, such
as keeping the King's Battle Ribbon when the Liondragon Guard comes out
next year to take it back, and the Coastal Region and Bryn Gwlad each decide 
that we haven't done anything that they can't do (which is true).  So we'll need
to build on the successes of this year to do even better things next year.  I hope 
we'll have a good corps of returning veterans to train with new recruits and
a new commander (applications for commander now being accepted).  And 
everybody I talked to had a great time in it.  I'll leave to others the task of
describing for you Commander Wolf's something-eating-grin, which grew ever
larger over the course of the week.

And the Elfsea Camp was a wonderful home-away-from-home.  Thank you so much
to all the folks who worked so hard to set it up and keep it running so well.

So, Armand, are the pictures up yet?  David, when's the video-watching party?

- Galen of Bristol

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