ES - Feast help

Pookie pookie2 at
Mon Nov 6 19:37:33 PST 2000

Anyone have the receipe for the starter for friendship bread? Even if its not used for the event I would like the receipe so that I can make some loaves for christmas gifts for co-workers and such.  I used to have a batch that I kept "alive" for ages but before one of my many moves I baked the last I had and never got the starter again.


  You know there is enought time to make starters for Friendship bread. If 
  enough of us do it we could have a lot of loaves done by 12th night.Or if 
  someone has a freezer everyone could make loaves and take them over and 
  freeze them. All the work would be done a head of time. Now I have a freezer 
  but I think the trip would be a little far. 
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