ES - Arthurian Company

Todd Marsh Llywelyn at
Mon Nov 13 08:11:56 PST 2000

Yes, everyone is invited to practice with the Arthurian company. The more
people we have, the better.  I would especially like Fian Ruadh to join us.
It’s hard to practice unit tactics without an opposing unit.

Llywelyn Gruffydd

-----Original Message-----

    I am not speaking for Fian Ruadh but for myself.  When the Arthurian
Company begins to practice, Would it be possible to attend and train with
the company?  I will try and attend as many sessions as mundanely possible.
I need to learn more unit/war tactics and would like to "live" a little
longer in battle.  I would appreciate the opportunity to practice with the
Lord Dunstan Æ  Petrokes stowe {LSD}

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