ES - Looking for volunteers!!

Betsy Marshall betsy at
Tue Apr 3 06:40:54 PDT 2001

  -----Original Message-----
  From: owner-elfsea at [mailto:owner-elfsea at]On
Behalf Of JengjenVandeRoet at
  Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 9:31 PM
  To: elfsea at
  Subject: Re: ES - Looking for volunteers!!

  Yes, I was just wondering if there were any updates etc. I'm just
  to learn how to herald, and don't want to muck anything up.

  [Betsy Marshall]
  well, mucking up is occasionally part of the job, carrying it off with
style is the hard part to learn..
  I have heard an ansteorran herald claim the kingdom of the outlands for
our monarch ,
  other tales of kings being heralded into their own court with the wrong
queen (not the current one) have reached me, and
  such like. Fortunately for our skins, nobles are not allowed to kill the
herald, just frown mightily and occasionally fire them.
  HE Barn had been seen applying a booted reminder to the herald's behinder
  Groveling is an excellent skill to acquire also...but this takes time and
  so fear not, but get out and give it a try!
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