ES - Wandering Bardic

willow taylor willowjonbardc at
Tue Apr 3 16:00:51 PDT 2001

I need  directions  and contact number.

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 17:51:41 -0500 "Caerell MacDomnaill"
<caerell at> writes:
Oye, Oye, I bring tidings from the Current Wandering Bard!

> Greetings to the Wandering Bards of Elfsea!
> Rosamunde del Shore, present holder of the Motley Cloak, doth earnestly
> entreat all Bards to appear at Lord Caerell's this Friday, April 6th,
> half past seven, compete for the honor of being the next wearer of the
> Cloak. The 6th being but one day past the anniversary of her birth, she
> doth wish to share her happiness by passing this honor to another loyal
> Servant of the Muse. The Theme for the competition shall be appropriate
> to the advent of Beltane: bring out your lustiest and bawdiest of songs
> to celebrate this season of the renewed fertility of Earth and all Her
> creatures.

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