[Elfsea] Important news from the Hospitaler
Tangwystl ferch Maredudd
tangwystloffalconrose at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 13 08:05:04 PST 2001
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
My Dear Lady Eleanor
Thank you so very much for your kind offer of support and assistance. And you know that I will take you up on your offer. I very much look forward working with you and any of the other deputies that wish to continue. I will be at the business meeting tonight and hope that we can talk and you can help bring me up to date.
Lady Tangwystl, Acting Hospitaler
Tessa Nieto <eleanor_cleavely at yahoo.com> wrote: My lady,
we will keep you and your family in our thoughts. Rest
assured that you are doing the right thing and that
the barony supports you in your decision. We hope that
you will be well soon and that all goes well with your
new child.
To Lady Tangwystl: May I be the first to offer my
support and assistance to you. If you need anything,
please do not hesitate to call upon me.
Lady Eleanor Cleavely
deputy to the Hosptialer of the Barony of Elfsea
--- Christine Huse wrote:
> Buenos Dias!
> As most of you know, I have been having some
> pregnancy health related
> problems. I learned from the doctor at my last visit
> that on top of all the
> other problems I have been having, I may now have
> gestational diabetes. I
> went this last Friday for a 3 hour test and should
> know something by this
> Friday. According to my doctor, there are 2
> different types of gestational
> diabetes. The type that can be controlled by diet
> and the other that
> requires early inducement. If I have the type that
> can't be controlled by
> diet, he is talking about inducing as early as
> January 1st.
> After talking to Their Excellancies and our
> Seneschal, I have decided to go
> ahead and step down. We decided that Lady Tangwystyl
> will be the new Acting
> Hospitaler until a new Hospitaler will be decided
> upon. Please offer her
> your full support as you have done to me this last
> year.
> Again, I would like to thank *everyone* for helping
> me (and being patient
> with me) this last year. Also, a big thanks to Their
> Excellancies, Galen and
> Allessandre, our Seneschal, Siobhan, my
> deputies...Lady Sibri, Lady Vix,
> Lady Eleanor and Lady Aeryn (they took on many
> aspects of my office and also
> helped me keep my feet on the ground at times) for
> their understanding and
> support this last year.
> Maria
> Hospitaler for the Lord and Lady of Elfsea
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