ES - Re: LR- virus

Padraig Ruad padraig_ruad at
Sun Feb 18 01:43:24 PST 2001

I want to re-emphasize something I've stated before:  

It is absolutely crucial to use virus checking/deleting software on your computer.  It should be set up to run in the background, especially when using the Internet, to detect and delete any viruses that try to invade your computer system.  

Commercially available software such as McAfee VShield is not very expensive, especially when weighed against the damage that viruses can do to your computer files and even hardware components.  Also, make sure to download the updates on the latest virus detection/correction files that most commercial software providers offer online on a regular basis.  New viruses, or variations on existing ones, are found almost daily.

If you cannot afford the commercial versions, there are several good shareware anti-virus applications available; just use a search engine to find "anti-virus" and choose one that offers virus detection, deletion and repair capabilities.

If you think you may have a virus on your system, run your anti-virus software against all files and programs IMMEDIATELY.  Most viruses can be caught and eliminated, but it does take some forethought and care on everyone's part to do so.

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