[Elfsea] Highland Games

Spence and Robin Mabry smabry at flash.net
Sun May 13 10:35:56 PDT 2001

This is an update on the status oi the Highland Games.

1) The following people have passes!
Ceatta		2 (Sat and Sun)
Robin		2 (Sat and Sun)
Galen		2 (Sat and Sun)
Allessandre		2 (Sat and Sun)
Raimond		2 (Sat and Sun)
Honour		1 (Sat)
Daniel Stewart	2 (Sat and Sun)
Siobhan		2 (Sat and Sun)
Sebastian		2 (Sat and Sun)
Eleanor		1 (Sat)
Ferghus		2 (Sat and Sun)
Arabella		2 (Sat and Sun)
Sarlynne		2 (Sat and Sun)
Cain		2 (Sat and Sun)
Mara		2 (Sat and Sun)
Ailgehan		1 (Sat)
Wilim		2 (Sat and Sun)
Rebekah		2 (Sat and Sun)
Stella		2 (Sat and Sun)
Burt		2 (Sat and Sun)
Tanwyn		2 (Sat and Sun)
Augustina		2 (Sat and Sun)
Phelippe		2 (Sat and Sun)
Maria		2 (Sat and Sun)
Daire		1 (Sat)
Medb		1 (Sat)
Asa			2 (Sat and Sun)
Thorgeir		2 (Sat and Sun)
Llywlwyn		2 (Sat and Sun)
Xene		2 (Sat and Sun)

2) There are 20 passes left (good for either day) for adults and 10 passes
(good for either day) for children left.  Again, these are going to the
first bidder, though the adults who have passes will always get the first
choice (hint, hint, Xene, Galen, Maria)

3) here is a copy of what I got the other day from Ray McDonald (he sent it
as we were driving to Business meeting):

We don't want the display necessarily large, but good quality.  Just the
best displays, etc.  Last year was perfect.
You will be in the same area.  They will need to be set up by 4:30 Friday or
wait until early Saturday morning.
I think your regulars know where to park to avoid UTA getting into them for
parking.  We don't have any control over parking.
It looked good last year even in the rain.  Good luck
I know you'll put on a good show.

Let's make sure they are happy again

4) We have at least 4 pavilions scheduled to be set up.  There more, the
period, the better.  Please let me know if you want to bring a pavilion out
to the site.  We will begin setup at 12 noon, and as noted above, we need to
be done by 4:30 pm.
5) HL Tanwyn is in charge of the static A&S display and HL Robin is in
charge of the dynamic AS display.  If you want to display something, please
contact me.
6) We are working to have a live electrical feed on site for a video
display.  More that to come.
7) There will be a chivalric and rapier tourney during the Games.  The times
will be posted, but I am hoping to have them bookend the sheaf toss next to
us, so as to gather more people.
8) Remember, we may have surprise visitors throughout the weekend, including
media.  They need to go through the seneschal, the baron, or someone
deputised to talk to them.

Ceatta o'Gulcleth

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