[Elfsea] FW: [UC fans] UncommonCon Sad News

Spence Mabry Spence.Mabry at radioshack.com
Tue Nov 13 05:15:20 PST 2001

This is to just inform all who had planned to attend that UncommonCon will
not be occurring this year.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Echols [mailto:jamesease at yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 3:25 PM
To: fans at uncommoncon.com
Subject: [UC fans] UncommonCon Sad News

TO: all individuals involved in UncommonCon,

It is with great regret and sorrow that we announce the
cancellation of our 2001 show.

Circumstances beyond our control have forced us into this
situation.  There is no need to go into all the gritty
details, suffice it to say that we did *everything* we
could to make it happen, but it was not sufficient.

We will do the best that we can to repay everyone who has
purchased space or tickets or advertising, but we make no
guarantees.  It will likely take at least three years to
even make the attempt, and right now we have no idea where
the money will come from.

Words cannot sufficiently convey our sorrow at this
horrible turn of events.  We believe we had a wonderful
festival planned and it is truly a shame that it will not
be around for anyone to enjoy.

For any further questions, please contact
service at uncommoncon.com.


james E.

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