[Elfsea] For Elfsea's children of all ages

Paul Mitchell pmitchel at ev1.net
Thu Feb 21 07:57:57 PST 2002

Galen here!

This Saturday afternoon (after the garage sale), we're partying!  My
elder son Christopher has just turned 13 -- he's not unlucky, he's a
teenager!   (Actually his birthday was February 7th, but this is our
first chance to celebrate.)

So bring a gift, something to share to drink, to munch, meat for the
grill, a game, your boffer armor & weapons, and -- at least -- yourself
and your kids, and come have fun, 2:00 pm until whenever.  Come later if
you like.

We'll play Kingmaker, maybe do a little youth combat, play computer
games & Sega Genesis, maybe a video (Monty Python, anyone?) or two, have
cake, and basically enjoy ourselves among friends.

Mundane clothes, unless you really want to wear a costume.

The address is 6517 Tempest Dr. in Arlington.  From I-20 at Cooper, come
south to Hardesty (the first light after Sublett), turn left.  Turn
right at the dead end, and right again at the stop sign onto Tempest.

(And again, the garage sale is in the same place, 8 am to 1pm.  We've
already sold the canopy.  Come early!)

- Galen

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but
shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."
       - C.S. Lewis
Check out my latest column at <www.viewfromdownhere.com>!
All my websites have moved to <users2.ev1.net/~pmitchel>!

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