[Elfsea] Announcement Regarding the Scroll

Timothy Rayburn timothy at elfsea.net
Tue Jan 29 06:35:57 PST 2002

Greetings Elfsea!

I write today to explain some last minute plans that have been made regarding the Elfsea Scroll for the month of February.

Since the baronial polling will take place at February Moot regarding our next Baron and Baroness, the Chroniclers office would like to invite all potential candidates to do the following :

1) Any candidates for Baron and Baroness that would like to post to this list, or send privately to chronicler at elfsea.net, an announcement of their intention to run in their own words should do so.  If such a missive is recieved by 5:00 PM CST on January 30th 2002 it will be included in a special suppliment in the scroll describing the candidates.

2) There is one small restriction on such a letter.  They must be focused on announcing your intention and your qualifications.  They cannot in any way comment on other candidates who are running.  The Chroniclers office may not politicize its publication and so we must strongly emphasise the informational aspect of this service.

Finally, it should be known that any questions about what is appropriate for the scroll should be directed to chronicler at elfsea.net.  The final decisions for this month and next month will be being made by Elfsea's Deputy Chronicler, Lady Rebekah of Newcastle.

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