[Elfsea] Fw: Rover Dramawerks presenting Romanoff and Juliet

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 17 14:47:25 PDT 2003

Yes, the latest in "little Morgan does backstage work."  At least two of the costumes should be REALLY familiar, though!  <G>


Rover Dramawerks will present Romanoff and Juliet by Peter Ustinov, Thursdays through Saturdays, August 21 through September 13. Performances will be at 8:00 p.m. at the ArtCentre Theatre of Plano, 1028 15th Place in Plano.

The General and most recent president of "the smallest country in Europe" – a country so small that its army of two has to have day jobs. The country's strategic location brings ambassadors from America and Russia seeking to make the General their ally. 

The Russian ambassador has a son and the American ambassador has a daughter who naturally fall in love, much to the chagrin of their parents. However, unlike the play's parodied namesake, this delightful comedy of cold war satire by the award-winning actor Peter Ustinov, has a happy ending.

The cast includes Bethany Ann Dotson, Stephanie Duckham, Sherry Etzel, Ken Freehill, Kenneth Fulenwider, Harry Liston, Doug Luke, Ben Schroth, Justin Thyme, Mark Vargas, Susan Wagner, Jimmi Wright, and Karyn Lush Wright, with direction by M. Shane Hurst.  

Ticket prices are $12.00 on Thursday nights, $14.00 on Friday nights, and $16.00 on Saturday nights, with a $2 discount for STAGE members, students, and seniors. For more information about Romanoff and Juliet and Rover Dramawerks, and to make reservations, please call 972-849-0358 or send e-mail to tickets at roverdramawerks.com.

See you at the show!


I'm just back from Pennsic.  Had adventures.  Went dancing.  Ate lots.  Missed Chili Night (they switched it without telling me!).  Shopped a little.  Did stuff.

Sleep now.  <G>

                                    ---= Morgan
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