[Elfsea] Remaining Items - Lost & Found - Steppes Artisan/Champion/Archery

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 4 13:05:33 PDT 2003

Many of the items left behind have already been claimed.  The following still need owners:

1)    Arrow, blue and red fletching.

5)    Gorget.

7)    Red and gold rapier hood.

9)    Blue bag with gold straps and harp with Ansteorran star painted on the
front - please ID contents to collect.

The first three were gleaned off the field when it was cleared in the afternoon, the fourth was found in the hall during clean-up.  If you believe some item is yours, please contact me at morgancain at earthlink.net.  We have people going to Lughnasad next weekend and can deliver the items there, as well as going to Pennsic.  Not sure if anybody is going to Westgate (not)Winter Collegium, but can check.  If these don't work, we'll figure out something.

                                    ---= Morgan

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea,
 never regains its original dimensions."
                                 ---= Oliver Wendell Holmes
"....look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else."
        ---= Tom Stoppard, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" (1967)

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