[Elfsea] One more Found item - Artisan

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 5 06:15:29 PDT 2003

While I was sorting out the box of Lost & Found items to take to Steppes Business Meeting tonight, I found one item that I overlooked before - a small pendant of a Celtic cross, a little over an inch long.  It is flat on the reverse, so was cast.

Let me know if this is yours, and it will be returned.

                                            ---= Morgan

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea,
 never regains its original dimensions."
                                 ---= Oliver Wendell Holmes
"....look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else."
        ---= Tom Stoppard, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" (1967)

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