[Elfsea] Southern Steppes Night.

DonnelShaw at aol.com DonnelShaw at aol.com
Tue Aug 12 17:14:09 PDT 2003

Hello everyone. We will have SSN again this Wednesday. I want everyone to 
know that this is inservice week for me and many other teachers. But I figured 
like my husband Alvin said. "Better this week then next week." Next week is the 
first week of school. For those who need directions 

67 to 287
287 under the bridge away from Arlington.

287 to 9th street  Between the Rail Road tracks and the Eckards

9th/663 all the way down till it T's Turn right 875

875 to Vista Ridge second street on the right

I am the two story right at the end of the street under the blue water tower. 

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