[Elfsea] Question!!

Dulcy dulciana_kathleen at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 8 12:44:21 PST 2003

Thanks!! I'll be there, and I'm bringing a friend!

"Rayburn, Timothy" <TRayburn at healthaxis.com> wrote:

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Heralds, Scribes & Illuminators meets tomorrow December 9th at the home of Timothy & Anezka.  It starts at 7:30 and is open to all those who would like to learn about matters heraldic and scribal.


The scribes will be happy to teach you about their art which produces the beautiful scrolls that are given in court.


The heralds will be happy to help you with a name or device or teach you about these in as much depth as you would like.


The Heralds side of the meeting is organized now by Lord Seamus, and the Scribal side is organized by my wife Dama Anezka.  I will likely be in attendance also.


We have resources for names from all around the world.  We’ll do what we can to help.


Our house is located at :

1102 Angel Fire Lane

Arlington, TX 76001





-----Original Message-----
From: Dulcy [mailto:dulciana_kathleen at yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 2:21 PM
To: Barony of Elfsea
Subject: [Elfsea] Question!!




I'm not really sure, but is it Scribes that meets tomorrow? If so where, i have a friend that really wanted to attend, and I would like to come as well...but I'm bit lost, and I got delete happy earlier so i can't look back at the other messages.




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