[Elfsea] Fighter Practice will be on

Jhan Knebel rixende at mail2noble.com
Sun Jul 13 09:10:20 PDT 2003

Tomas will be out as well, and I br;irvr Louis mentioned that he would
be there too.

<-----Original Message----->

 	  	 From: Tristan and Isolde
Sent: 7/12/2003 9:03:40 PM
To: elfsea at ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Fighter Practice will be on 

Fighter practice will be held on Sunday. I spoke with Tristan today and
said for certain that he is going to leave Stargate (?) around 0900 and
back in Elfsea in plenty of time to armor up. The forecast for tomorrow 
calls for a high of 98 degree F so everyone please be sure to bring 
water/electrolyte replenishments. 

-----Original Message----- 
From: elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org 

Is there going to be Fighter Practice tomorrow since 
Coronation is this weekend? 

Just wondering. 


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