[Elfsea] Some thoughts on the "Hat Race"

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Sun Jul 6 14:00:53 PDT 2003

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org
> [mailto:elfsea-bounces at ansteorra.org] 
> Sent:	Sunday, July 06, 2003 2:19 PM
> To:	Barony of Elfsea; 'loch-ruadh at Ansteorra.ORG'
> Subject:	RE: [Elfsea] Some thoughts on the "Hat Race"
	>Xene here:

	>I have some other questions that should be contemplated:

	>1. What do you intend to do about the Canton of Loch Ruadh and
their move to become a Shire? This will significantly impact the Barony over
the next two years.
	I don't believe they would benefit by becoming a Shire, but if it is
the will of the vast majority of their members and we can work out zip code
maps that would allow Elfsea to continue growing and be connected to
Dragonsfire Tor, then I would support their becoming a Shire. Obviously,
this would require some negotiation.

	>2. What do you intend to do about supporting the College of
ThreeBridges? They may go dormant this year due to lack of membership.  How
do you intend to help keep their SCA-UTA group going?
	There are several of us who are either current students (Pyro and
Allyson, for instance) or who are alumni (Caelin [me], for instance). I
would propose we form the core of the group and try to recruit students to
make it all work. If there is not enough interest from the students to build
an active group even with our forming a stable core, then I would propose we
leave the College dormant. The students could still participate directly as
part of Elfsea, but without the overhead of the College. We can probably
still get the resources at UTA via the students and alumni, but perhaps at a
slightly higher cost.

	>3. What about the Canton of Dragonsfire Tor?  How do you intend to
help them?  Do they want help?
	I'm afraid I don't know enough to give you a good answer. One of my
tasks clearly is to find that information, talk with many people (as I did
with Loch Ruadh), and attend their meetings so that I might contribute to
their growth.

	>4.  Do you know all the current landed Nobles?  If not, you should.
	I know many of them, but certainly not all. Pyro knows many of the
past and present nobles.

	>5. Do you know the top ten fighters and their consorts in the
Kingdom?  They are most likely to be the next Crowns that you will have to
work with.
	I probably know them well enough to call each other by name, but I
can't say many of them are friends yet. Pyro knows more than I.

	>6.  Do you have a reliable vehicle that can get all the "Stuff" to
and from events?  Perhaps a trailer?
	Yes <grin>. My Miata even has a trailer. I believe I can get a
vehicle when I need one (rental or borrow). For instance, I gave a used
pickup to my son who has it working nicely now. I'm sure it would be
available for trade with my Miata for a weekend <grin>. I have rented
vehicles for Gulf War (trucks and vans) and could do it for any event that
required it.

	>7.  Do you have a good, period wardrobe for the position?  The
populace gets embarrassed if their landed nobles don't look good.  Kind of
like your parents walking around in front of your friends in their old,
stained undershirts and nightgowns. The working wardrobe can be plain, but
it must be nice and in good order. the court gard must be nice.
	I have the start of a good period wardrobe and am making and
commissioning more whether or not I become the next Baron. Pyro has a very
extensive wardrobe of very nice things.

	>8. The participants of Crown Tourney are required to sign a
statement that state they are financially capable of supporting the office
of the Crown. Are you financially capable of supporting the office of Baron
&/or Baroness of Elfsea?  It is a lot more expensive that you might think.
	Like many in the Barony, I was not working for a period, but I am
now successfully working contracts at rates that will allow Pyro and I to
afford the position. Pyro is finishing her PhD in Physics, but I expect she
will be bringing in nearly as much as I do by this time next year - maybe
more <grin>.

	>9. Do you *really* have the time to spend?  Are you able to spend a
lot of time on the computer and on the phone?  Are you willing to work at
every event you go to, even the non-Elfsea or non-Central Region ones? 
	I already spend a lot of time on the computer and the phone with SCA
folks. I expect I can continue and extend this. Pyro is sometimes busy with
school, but still has a fair amount of time to work with the people of
Elfsea. We both have worked at every event we have attended without regard
to who hosted it. We Chirurgeon, Waterbearer, kitchen staff, and would
continue to work representing Elfsea.

	>And lastly,

	>10.  Do you really care for *all* the people in the Barony?  Not
just the ones that show up at meetings, but *all* of them?   It takes a
great deal of love for the group to be able to be a good leader. Do you know
their strengths and weaknesses?
	Yes we do. We even care for the people who are not members of our
group, but who live in the area. We want them to improve their lives by
joining us! I can not say I know everyone's strengths and weaknesses, but I
have worked with and watched most of them for some time. As Baron and
Baroness, we would try to put people in situations where they could grow
their strengths and correct their weaknesses.

	>I'm sure I could come up with more, but that's enough for now.  You
don't have to answer the questions on the lists, but you should have an
answer, because these questions will come up.

	>In Service,
	>Xene Theriane

	In service to Ansteorra, her Crown, and Elfsea,
	HL Caelin on Andrede
	Ldy Ker Megan of Taransay (Pyro)

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